Spain is “back” again and considered one of the fastest and most strongly growing economies in Europe. Having successfully overcome the recession, the country is once again presenting itself as an important market for architectural services. A GEZE subsidiary is located directly near Barcelona. GEZE Iberia supports architects in the planning and realisation of liveable buildings in Spain, Portugal and Latin America, with a comprehensive service portfolio for doors and windows. The object know-how is also being used to an ever greater extent in Latin America.
An inspiring backdrop
The office complex La Torre Agbar in Barcelona. GEZE Iberia supplemented the glass architecture with automatic sliding doors with invisible drive technology.GEZE GmbH
The view from the 173 metre high “own mountain”, Montjuïc, is fantastic: a panoramic view covers all facets of Barcelona’s architecture: the Olympic Stadium, the Plaça Espanya, with the Venetian towers, the port installations with the Columbus Column, or the city’s two landmarks:
Antonio Gaudí’s unfinished Sagrada Familia basilica and la Torre Agbar, one of the tallest buildings in Spain. With the office complex, which glows blue and red at night, the architect Jean Nouvel pays tribute to Gaudí’s “modernisme”, Catalan Art Nouveau. GEZE Iberia complemented the glass architecture with discreet automatic doors: barrier-free sliding doors with invisible drive technology at the entrances and curved sliding doors in areas with less space.
Comprehensive, complete service
GEZE Iberia has been located in Barcelona’s industrial belt for nearly twenty years. From here, it has supported architects and planners in building technology, with innovative products and systems, as well as comprehensive, complete service.
The market hall Nou Mercat de Sant Antoni in Barcelona. Façade entrances with robust automatic sliding door systems with fine profiles from GEZE.GEZE GmbH
The diversity of the product range in every architectural design
GEZE products integrate themselves into every architectural design. This becomes clear with the newly renovated Nou Mercat de Sant Antoni, Barcelona’s oldest and first market hall in an iron construction. The façade entrances handle a great deal of traffic. Highly robust sliding door systems with fine profiles ensure automatic, quiet, and always reliable, barrier-free opening and closing. GEZE Iberia cooperated closely with the local Ravetllat Ribas Arquitectura office and coordinated the cooperation of all project participants.This ensured smooth and rapid project realisation.
Industry and professional competence
The project teams have many years of experience in door, window and safety technology, as well as industry expertise. They become involved in projects at a very early stage and accompany them throughout the entire building life cycle. This already starts with a precise analysis of the use of the project and the user’s requirements regarding doors and windows.
The experts provide support, from
- the design phase, the planning and invitation for tenders
- the drafting of all feasible solutions
- the implementation of solutions
- with the GEZE serial programme
- customised in accordance with individual ideas
- right up to individual services and maintenance.
Together with architects and planners, GEZE Iberia also handles door planning for entire buildings and supports them in creating object-specific drawings, door lists, cable plans and an architect hotline.
Industry solutions
GEZE Iberia offers solutions for doors and windows that are customised to people’s specific use and needs for all types of buildings: hotels, shopping centres, shops and banks, as well as hospitals, office buildings, and residential buildings or airports.
Large hotel groups’ buildings
Architects who, e.g. are now once again active in the reliably-growing Spanish hotel construction business, are benefiting from the comprehensive service portfolio.
GEZE system solutions satisfy a wide range of requirements in hotels, with regard to functionality, comfort, safety and design. They enable a uniform appearance and the same quality standards. Whether in a hotel building or in all hotels of a hotel chain, GEZE Iberia takes care of the complete door planning and support throughout the entire usage phase in the building.
GEZE has close connections to the construction departments of large hotel chains such as Hilton or Marriott, and is a valued partner. GEZE Iberia has equipped hotels of all categories with automatic doors and door technology. Some examples:
In Barcelona:
- the Art Gallery and the Metropolitan of the H10 Group
- the Room Mate Emma and Room Mate Carla Hotels
- Hotels of the Motel One Group
In Madrid:
- Hotel Barceló Torre
On the Balearic Islands:
- the Hardrock Hotel on Ibiza
- Hotel Formentor on Mallorca
Hospitals and clinics
Automatic sliding door systems from GEZE at the Hospital Puerta del Sur in Madrid: At the entrances and as airtight and hermetically sealed versions in sensitive hospital areasGEZE GmbH
In clinics as well, architects and operators rely on GEZE’s premium quality. Especially with airtight and hermetically sealing automatic sliding doors in sensitive areas (operating theatres, intensive care units or laboratories), where the cleanest environments are essential. These special doors open paths in an accessible and contact-free manner, leaving germs outside and providing visual highlights.
GEZE Iberia realised door solutions in large clinics:
- Hospital Puerta del Sur in Madrid
- Hospital del Mar in Barcelona
- Various clinics in Galicia
Store architecture for entire retail chains
German discount stores and retail chains are conquering pedestrian zones and shopping centres in all regions of Spain and Portugal. As a full-range supplier, GEZE Iberia looks after the branches of German electronics, drugstore and food giants such as Media Markt, DM and Lidl and equips them with automatic sliding doors. Here, the focus is on reliability, efficiency, security and uniform standards in brand design. With GEZE Iberia, German architects who have already worked in this segment are in good hands.
Shops of the world’s largest textile chain in Europe and Latin America
For several years now, GEZE Iberia, together with the local GEZE Service companies, has been implementing automatic sliding door systems in Inditex’s shops in Europe and in numerous Latin American countries. Inditex, with its headquarters in La Coruña in Galicia, is one of the world’s largest textile companies.
Time benefits: project-specific production on site
The construction of retail shops often has to be performed in a very short space of time. GEZE Iberia develops and produces “Made in Germany” quality at its headquarters in San Boi de Llobregat, near Barcelona, and in Vigo, Galicia, for the realisation of individual automatic doors, especially revolving doors or curved sliding doors. From Galicia, GEZE Iberia also supplies Portugal. GEZE has a further subsidiary there and maintains representative offices in Mexico, Colombia and Argentina. All Latin American countries are served by a partner network for the distribution, installation and maintenance of GEZE products.
Renowned projects in Latin America
Thanks to the historical and cultural connection, but also as a result of the economic crisis, Spanish and Portuguese architects are active in Latin America and successfully cooperate with GEZE Iberia.
GEZE Iberia cooperated with the Madrid offices of the renowned architect Juan Herreros and the façade planner Arup España, as well as the Galician façade builder, Carpintería Metálica Aluman, in the award-winning Agora Congress Centre in the Colombian capital Bogotá, which was completed in 2018. GEZE Iberia and GEZE Support in Bogotà brought all actors together to form an efficient network. The GEZE team assumed responsibility across two continents. The installation and commissioning of the automatic windows for natural ventilation with smart GEZE drives in a KNX building system was a perfect success.
Cooperation with architect networks
GEZE Iberia is very active in SCALAE, which is both an architectural network and an architectural documentation agency. SCALAE publishes interesting and useful information for architects in Spanish-speaking countries and has excellent networks in all Latin American countries. The agency is a co-organiser of Bienal Argentina, where well-known architects meet. SCALAE and the Bienal are an excellent platform for German architects to establish contacts with partners throughout Latin America.
GEZE BIMBIM Building Information Modeling objects for complete door planning in Spanish
With GEZE BIM objects for the door technology programme, architects can now also design and implement building projects in Spain in a more comprehensive, simple and safe manner. GEZE’s solution has the benefit that five multifunctional basic types are sufficient as virtual BIM objects. This way, all doors can be configured in the CAD system, displayed and implemented into the virtual building model. GEZE BIM objects are available for Revit in easy-to-use, individually expandable variants in Spanish. GEZE Iberia also realises GEZE BIM objects in a customised manner, e.g. for the discount store, Lidl.
On the GEZE microsite, the new BIM object wall will soon be available to architects as a “door library”.
Eduard Warth is available to handle all further questions from architects at our headquarters in Leonberg.